AED Sentinel from AED One-Stop Shop

AED One-Stop Shop & our sister site are proud to offer AED Sentinel as a National Authorized Distributor.
AED Sentinel is a remote AED monitoring system built for every AED program. This technology-based system, designed and built by the leading authority in AED program compliance, provides the ultimate in ease of AED ownership. With AED Sentinel, AED program managers can be confident that their devices are always ready, ensuring compliance and easing the burdens of program cost and management.
AED owners are responsible for ensuring their life-saving devices are ready to work every time they are needed. But ensuring readiness can be a real challenge for organizations of any size. Regularly checking the status of devices and keeping track of the various expiration dates of each AED’s batteries and pads, are all in human hands. And today’s reliance on human AED inspectors results in a high rate of non-compliance, meaning large numbers of AEDs go uninspected or poorly maintained for long periods of time. This leads to an increased risk of AED failure, avoidable sudden cardiac death and lawsuits. And, of course, there are direct and indirect costs associated with pulling valuable employees away from their primary jobs to perform these checks. AED Sentinel eliminates the need for human inspections, reducing the risk of AED failure and the consequences that follow. With AED Sentinel, AED program managers can be confident that their devices are always ready, ensuring compliance and easing the burdens of program cost and management.
AED Sentinel works with all current AED makes and models installed in wall-mounted cabinets. As of now, these include:
- Cardiac Science Powerheart G5 AED
- Cardiac Science Powerheart AED G3 Plus
- Defibtech Lifeline AED
- Defibtech Lifeline AUTO AED
- Defibtech Lifeline View AED
- HeartSine Samaritan PAD 300P
- HeartSine Samaritan PAD 350P
- HeartSine Samaritan PAD 360P
- HeartSine Samaritan PAD 450P
- Philips HeartStart FRx AED
- Philips HeartStart OnSite AED
- Physio Control LIFEPAK CR Plus AED
- Physio Control LIFEPAK Express AED
- Zoll AED Plus
For a free webinar on how this marvelous technology works contact AED One-Stop Shop at 855-677-2337 or email us at