AED Buyer’s Guide Questionnaire

Please select the answer (choices A-D) for each of the 18 statements below which best describes your thoughts and attitude towards that particular AED feature. Once complete, fill out contact information at the bottom of the questionnaire and submit or contact us at 855-677-2337 where a professional will review your answers and make a professional recommendation that fits your specific needs.

  • Icons Graphical Dollar Rev B

    1. Price and Initial Cost

  • Icons Graphical CPR Rev B

    2. CPR Prompts

  • Icons Graphical PADS Rev B

    3. Cost of Ownership

  • Icons Graphical Voice Rev B

    4. Ease-of-Use and Usability

  • Icons Graphical Visual Rev B

    5. Visual Prompts

  • Icons Graphical Shock Button Rev B

    6. Fully-Automatic vs. Semi-Automatic Shock Delivery

  • Icons Graphical Defib Rev B 1

    7. Size, Shape and Weight

  • Icons Graphical Plane Rev B

    8. Ruggedness and Durability

  • Icons Graphical Rain Rev B

    9. Water and Dust Resiliency

  • Icons Graphical Sheild Rev B

    10. Adult / Pediatric Capability

  • Icons Graphical BiPhasic Rev B

    11. Defibrillation Technology

  • AEDOneStopShop Icon

    12. Language for Voice Prompts

  • AEDOneStopShop Icon20

    13. Wi-Fi or Cellular AED Connectivity

  • Icons Graphical Visual Rev 01

    14. Optional AED Levels of Service

  • Icons Graphical CPR 01

    15. CPR/AED Training

  • AEDOneStopShop Icon18

    16. Purchase Assistance & Consultation

  • PurchaseAED Icons 250px22

    17. AED Device Count

  • PurchaseAED Icons 250px24

    18. AED Consultant