Welch Allyn AED 10 & 20 Are “End of Life”

If you are in possession of Welch Allyn AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) it is important that you’re aware that these are discontinued and have been deemed “End of Life.” The batteries and pads for the Welch Allyn are no longer manufactured and Welch Allyn AED owners should beware of companies offering these consumables.
Welch Allyn certainly remains in business but they are not active in the North American AED market. Welch Allyn, Inc. was founded in 1915 and is an American manufacturer of medical diagnosis devices, patient monitoring systems, and miniature precision lamps. Headquartered in Skaneateles Falls, New York, Welch Allyn employs more than 2,750 people and has manufacturing, sales, and distribution facilities located throughout the world.
Due to the discontinued / unsupported status of the Welch AEDs, these no longer have “trade-in” value towards new AEDs. There are 6 primary brands available in the U.S. and approved by the FDA:
– Philips HeartStart AEDs
– Physio-Control LIFEPAK AEDs
– HeartSine Samaritan AEDs
– Defibtech Lifeline AEDs
– Cardiac Science Powerheart AEDs
An AED Expert at AED One-Stop Shop can help organizations determine which AED type to select to replace the obsolete Welch Allyn AEDs. AED One-Stop Shop (as the name suggests) carries all the major brands and accompanying supplies, training, and program management. We drop ship directly to our customers and since we don’t stock products we are not incented to provide one AED type over another. We pair our customers with the ideal device that fits their specific need.
We certainly urge Welch Allyn AED customers to replace their AEDs rather than invest further dollars into the discontinued devices. Here’s a link to our AED Buyer’s Guide and you can certainly reach us by phone 855-677-AEDS for live expert help with a professional approach or email at Sales@AEDOneStopShop.com. In short, it’s wonderful you’ve invested in safety and protecting lives but please know there are better, easier, more advanced life-saving AEDs available.