AED Liability Issues

Buy HeartStart AED Machine

You are thinking about investing in AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) but you’re concerned about the liability issues of having them.  Perhaps these questions have crossed your mind: What if we have AEDs but employees don’t act in a cardiac arrest? What if an employee makes a mistake in the rescue? What if we were to do harm rather than save … Read More

A Safe, Easy-to-use Life Saving Device and Your Protection Under the Law

Defibtech LifeLine AED

Unlike the professional hospital or ambulance defibrillators, an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) requires little, to no training, or experience, to use. They are, for the most part, designed to be used by nonmedical personal in an emergency situation. AEDs have been cited by many experts, as the largest contributing factor to the increase in survival rates of SCA (Sudden Cardiac … Read More