Selecting AEDs for Businesses, Workplaces and Corporations

As a business leader there are so many things to be mindful of when it comes to employee retention, morale, wellness, and to generally create a safe and productive work environment. Safety and security are certainly areas of high importance for any business large or small.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest remains the top cause of death in the Nation with 1,000 lives taken each day, many of which are in the workplace. Unlike a heart attack or MI (Myocardial Infarction) in which the victim may very well survive with appropriate treatment, Cardiac Arrest is an electrical misfire of the heart which leads to near certain death. SCA (Sudden Cardiac Arrest) takes the lives of men, women, young, elderly and even youth. It is a most unpredictable killer.
The good news is that cardiac arrest death can be averted with the use of CPR and availability of small, easy-to-use life-saving devices called Automated External Defibrillators or AEDs. CPR classes promote the skills to perform effective chest compressions which help distribute blood to organs while the heart is in a chaotic rhythm, while the AED delivers the crucial defibrillation shock to the victim. AEDs are more affordable than you might think, typically in the $1500 range, a small price to potentially save a human life. The public defibrillators are remarkably straightforward to use with voice prompts and visual prompts to guide the responder through the rescue.
The primary AED types for workplaces include LIFEPAK, HeartSine, Cardiac Science, Philips, Defibtech and ZOLL. How should a Company determine which type fits their needs and budget? It’s important to note that the AED types vary greatly in their look, color, design, functionality, and featured technology.
Enter, AED One-Stop Shop, the “one-of-a-kind” National AED Distributor with a very consultative approach. We intelligently and thoughtfully pair our Corporate clients with the ideal life-saving devices, accompanying CPR/AED training & certification, and AED Program Management for compliance with State Good Samaritan Laws and general readiness. We base our product recommendations on customer needs using a carefully designed AED Buyer’s Guide which gauges the customers views on 12 or more key criteria. Following the consultation and AED Program recommendations are often surprised by our affordable and competitive pricing, especially considering the level support they receive.
If your Company is in the category of not having AEDs this must be remedied before lives are lost. Also Companies under-deployed with few devices or perhaps one at headquarters should revisit their program for multiple reasons including legal risks. If your Company does periodic CPR training but lacks the Automated External Defibrillators this further investment in safety should not be postponed. And lastly those Corporations with AED devices widely available but no training run the risk of employees being hesitant to respond because of fears about the AED’s safety.
AED One-Stop Shop would be delighted to assist your business to create a “heart safe environment” and protect your most valuable assets… your people. Call 855-677-2337 or email us at or why not complete our short 12 question online version of the AED Buyer’s Guide? Speaking of online, if you’d like to see pricing and even buy AEDs online, try our partner website We look forward to improving life-safety and leading to lives being saved.