Public Defibrillators in the Community Setting

Communities large and small all over the U.S. are making investments in safety to protect their people from one of the Nation’s biggest killers, Sudden Cardiac Arrest. The numbers are staggering just how many lives are suddenly and tragically lost to Cardiac Arrest, on an average it’s about 1,000 lives per day in the United States alone. Equally troubling is that SCA does not discriminate affecting both men and women and even young school age lives.
So what are communities doing about it? Individuals such as emergency managers, risk managers, human resources, safety officers and more are investing in easy-to-use Public Defibrillators. Automated External Defibrillators or AEDs have been available for a decade a half and in that span they have become much easier to use due to technology advancements and they’ve also become more affordable with an average price now of about $1500.
Many misperceptions about AEDs still exist about who may use them, their safety, and their cost. Despite those misunderstandings, adoption is increasing for cities, villages, townships, counties and state government. These communities target the protection of their employees as well as places where people gather to help protect lives. Public defibrillators are commonly placed in parks and recreation departments, city halls, courthouses, pools, libraries, schools, electric utilities as well as in first responder vehicles like PDs, FDs, Sheriffs, Marshals and VFDs.
AED One-Stop Shop Contact Us specializes in protecting lives in the Community Setting and we help to create well-designed Public Access to Defibrillation Programs. Email us for more details on how to do this and for detailed pricing. Our experts help customers determine the best AED make and model for their program, develop training plans for CPR/AED certification and solutions to ensure the AEDs are maintained and ready for use when needed. Call 855-677-2337 for a free needs assessment and for professional consultation.
We applaud all communities who are implementing these safety initiatives before there’s a crisis or lives lost.