The Public Access Defibrillator or AED

There are numerous foundations, advocacy groups and champions who work effortlessly to raise awareness about sudden cardiac arrest death and the need for Automated External Defibrillators in every workplace and every place that people gather. Their aim is to make people safe from cardiac arrest which averages a thousand lives lost each day, not to mention those family members, friends or colleagues impacted by the loss. In order to meet this objective we must raise awareness about these startling statistics and overcome myths and misperceptions about defibrillators. Common misunderstandings or objections about these life-saving devices include:
“We don’t have medical personnel to operate a defibrillator”
“We have a young staff and are not at risk”
“We can’t afford AEDs”
“We don’t want the risk of a law suit”
“We would end up causing harm and shock someone who doesn’t need it”
With a little reading on the subject an individual with such misperceptions would likely soon reverse their stance. They’d become confident that they actually should invest in protecting lives and creating a “heart safe” environment at their office, school, church or even their home. One would quickly learn that the AED is designed and manufactured with not just the professional rescuer in mind but actually the everyday, ordinary individual. With visual and voice prompts the devices instruct the rescuer as to the specific steps of saving a life including delivering good CPR. An AED once connected to the victim’s chest through small pads called electrodes analyzes their heart rhythm only delivering a shock if one is absolutely necessary. Each brand and model on the market has been approved by the FDA and is considered most safe. State Good Samaritan Laws and indemnification policies provided by the makers of the life-protecting defibrillators protect those who buy and use them. And once people learn that with advancements in technology Automated External Defibrillators can be purchased for sometimes not much more than $1200 they are suddenly inspired to make the investment in the safety of their people.
AED One-Stop Shop strives to help overcome some of the customer concerns that are common. We utilize a very consultative approach to show customers how AEDs work and how they differ. If you shared some of these objections to getting AEDs or even training your employees in CPR then perhaps it’s time to investigate further. Check out his short video AED One-Stop Shop and then contact us over the phone or via email here Contact a Consultant. These actions could lead to lives being saved and just perhaps your own. Once your armed with the knowledge consider protecting lives at work, schools, community, kids sporting teams and clubs, RVs, homes and cabins.