Myths About AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators)

It’s sad but true that many organizations, companies, schools, non-profits and communities have steered clear of investing in life-saving AEDs (Workplace Defibrillators) because of myths or misinformation. AED One-Stop Shop and are here to offer some clarity for you on these common opinions. Our aim of this short article is certainly not to persuade you to buy them but rather present facts that you can weigh into your decision as to whether to make this investment in life safety.
Myth #1: Heart Attack vs Sudden Cardiac Arrest understanding
American’s commonly confuse a Sudden Cardiac Arrest with a common Heart Attack and thus believe the likely candidates to need revival are elderly, over-weight, have heart problems or other risk factors. In fact they are very different, a heart attack is more of a “plumbing problem” caused by a blockage and an AED can’t help those victims, they often require bypass surgery. Cardiac Arrest however is an “electrical problem” caused by a misfire in the heart and this can occur someone one of any age (to include children and young adults) and any gender, often with no warning. Cardiac Arrest takes 1,000 lives in the U.S. each day and the only way to revive them is with quick defibrillation and early CPR.
Myth #2: Calling 911 Is Sufficient
Organizations often shy from AEDs because they are in close proximity to a Fire Station or Ambulance Company. What they must realize is that “time to defibrillation” is of utmost importance to a rescue. If a victim were to be shocked at minute 2 by a lay-responder with an onsite AED, the chance of survival would be about 80%. If, however, an EMT or paramedic were to arrive with a professional defibrillator and deliver shock at minute 10 the likely hood of survival would be less than 5%.
Myth #3: AED Devices Are Too Expensive
When AEDs first became available for purchase about 25 years ago, it was not uncommon for their price point to be $2000.00 – $3500.00 each. Due to innovative technology and a competitive marketplace the pricing has come way down since then. Today’s AEDs are not only affordable to purchase from about $1000.00 to $1800.00 but they’re affordable to maintain with batteries and pads overtime. Organizations who’ve been apprehensive to buy them because they may need many devices should realize that most AED distributors like AED One-Stop Shop and offer volume discounts.
Myth #4: Worries About Doing Harm or Product Safety
It’s common for people to be apprehensive about AEDs and concerned that they may harm or even kill someone with an Automated External Defibrillator. All AEDs require FDA-approval to be sold and purchased in the United States. Premarket approval (PMA) is the FDA process of scientific and regulatory review to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of Class III medical devices. It’s reassuring to know that all AEDs analyze the victim’s heart rhythm and can only deliver a defibrillation shock if the victim is indeed in need of one. In other words, you simple can’t harm someone with an AED due to this required product safety feature.
Myth #5: We Don’t Want the Legal Risk of Being Sued Because of AEDs
The Good Samaritan Laws in all 50 States are designed to protect those who respond in an emergency. Good Sam Laws typically cover the responder, the organization and the enablers who are the company’s who provide the life-saving devices. These laws include both use of CPR and use of an AED and as long as their utilized with good intent the protection is very comprehensive. The courts are not as favorable when organizations fail to keep up the “standard of care” in an industry. What this means is if most hotels (for example) have AEDs and one fails to invest in them they could be found liable if someone were to die on property.
We hope this short article dispels some myths and misperceptions and prompts some serious thought and consideration about creating a “heart safe” environment. The team of Consultants at AED One-Stop Stop Shop and can help provide further depth on any of these topics by calling 855-677-2337 or Also know that today’s CPR training now incorporates AED training too so employees learn life-saving skills and how to use the simple-to-use AED devices.