Buying with Cooperatives and Contracts
AED One-Stop Shop is proud to provide life-saving AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) to Local, State and Federal Government entities. Below we detail six viable contracts government procurement officials can utilize to purchase AED devices and related accessories, services, training and ongoing consumables. To request a quote please use the button below and kindly provide which Contracts or Cooperatives are preferred:

Buying AED Automated External Defibrillators via NASPO
AED One-Stop Shop is authorized to leverage the NASPO PointValue Contract OK-SW-300, we offer Stryker products in 22 States and ZOLL products in 28 States. NASPO is the nation’s leader in public procurement, driving excellence for its members through diverse programs, resources, and initiatives. The National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) is a non-profit association dedicated to advancing public procurement through leadership, excellence, and integrity. As far as Automatic External Defibrillator & Accessories this is NASPO PointValue contract OK-SW-300. The Master Agreements on this portfolio offer fixed rate pricing for up to three product categories of AED Units, ALS defibrillators, and associated accessories. The three categories offered on this portfolio are:
- Category I - Public Access and Infrequent User AEDs
- Category II - First Responder AEDs
- Category III - Professional Defibrillators (Advanced Life Support or “ALS")
The Master Agreements also offer fixed rate pricing on commonly used accessories for defibrillators such as: Batteries, Adult Pads (electrodes), Pediatric Pads (electrodes), Carrying Cases, Wall Mount Kits and First Response Kits. In addition, the Master Agreements offer a blanket discount off items in the Contractor’s catalog that are not included in their fixed price list.
Email or call 855-677-2337 for a NASPO contract quote for AEDs or consumables. Our top sellers on this contract are the ZOLL AED 3, the Powerheart G5, the LIFEPAK CR2, LIFEPAK 1000 and the HeartSine Samaritan AEDs.

SAM System of Awards Management
For our Federal Government customers, AED One-Stop Shop utilized our SAM contract associated with our CAGE Code 76YQ2 and our most common NAICS codes 423450, 423490, & 611699. The System for Award Management (SAM or e-procurement system collects data from suppliers, validates and stores this data, and disseminates it to various government acquisition agencies.
Email or call 855-677-2337 for a SAM or other Federal contract quote for AEDs or consumables. We have large Distribution partners who are equipped with GSA and other Federal Contracts. Our top sellers in the Federal space are the ZOLL AED Plus, the ZOLL AED 3, the Powerheart G5, the LIFEPAK CR2, LIFEPAK 1000 and the HeartSine Samaritan AEDs.

HGAC Buy Cooperative for AED Defibrillators
AED One-Stop Shop is proud to be a preferred vendor leveraging the HGAC Buy Cooperative for EE19-23 / LIFEPAK Product Code EE19D31. The category is Emergency Medical & Rescue Equipment which includes In-Home/Work & Onsite Public Access AEDs, Biphasic AEDs, Semi-Automatic Biphasic Defibrillator w/ECG Monitoring; Manual Biphasic Defibrillator w/ECG Monitoring; Semi-Automatic Manual Biphasic Defibrillator w/Escalating Joules, Chest Compression Systems, Air lift rescue bags, Fire rescue saws, Electronic Personnel Accountability System (Stand-Alone), breathing air Systems.
The Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) is the largest of 24 Councils of Government (COG) in Texas and is a political subdivision of the State of Texas. It has been serving local governments for more than 40 years. HGAC is a Nationwide, government procurement service striving to make the governmental procurement process more efficient. Units of local government, including non-profits providing governmental services, are eligible to become participating members of the HGAC-Buy Cooperative. All contracts available to participating members of HGAC-Buy have been awarded by virtue of a public competitive procurement process compliant with state statutes. HGAC Buy is certainly National with large end-user members in all 50 States.
Email or call 855-677-2337 for a HGAC Buy quote for AEDs or consumables. Our top sellers on this contract are the LIFEPAK CR2, LIFEPAK 1000, the HeartSine Samaritan 350P, 360P, and 450P AEDs and LIFEPAK 15 Professional Monitors. Beyond AED requests we also have assisted with requests for Lucas Chest Compression Systems and EvacChairs as well.

TIPS USA Emergency Responder Supplies, Equipment, and Services
Purchase all FDA approved brands and models of AEDs from AED One-Stop Shop leveraging TIPS USA contract 240102. The TIPS Purchasing Cooperative is a favorite not only in Texas but for Government entities seeking AED Devices and Supplies in all 50 States. Learn more about our offerings at TIPS AED One-Stop Shop. The Interlocal Purchasing System, better known as, TIPS Purchasing Cooperative, began in 2002 as a small regional cooperative of the Region 8 Education Service Center. While the cooperative has far exceeded the initial vision, Region 8 ESC has maintained its role as the Lead Agency for what is now a National operation. Region 8 ESC is one of 20 Regional Education Service Centers within Texas which assists school districts in improving student performance and increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of school operations, as commissioned by the Texas state legislature.
- Philips Medical Systems
- Philips HeartStart FRx AED
- Philips HeartStart OnSite AED
- Stryker Emergency Care
- LIFEPAK 1000
- HeartSine Samaritan 350P, 360P, and 450P AEDs
- ZOLL Medical Corporation
- Powerheart G5 AED
- Mobilize Rescue Systems
- Defibtech, LLC
- Defibtech Lifeline VIEW AED
- Defibtech Lifeline AED
Email or call 855-677-2337 for a TIPS USA 240102 contract quote for AEDs or consumables. Our top sellers on this contract are the LIFEPAK CR2, the ZOLL AED 3, the Philips HeartStart FRx AEDs and the HeartSine Samaritan 350P AEDs.

New Mexico Statewide Price Agreement
AED One-Stop Shop, vendor 0000105351, is certainly New Mexico’s largest supplier of life-saving devices and we are amongst the most reputable in the Southwest and Nationwide. Our Albuquerque NM based business holds two contracts through the NM General Service Division (GSD) and State Purchasing Division in Santa Fe, NM. Stryker offerings are available through contract 00-00000-19-00034AAC and ZOLL offering via contract 00-00000-19-0034AD.
These contracts feature pricing based upon the NASPO PointValue Contract OK-SW-300 so government entities can enjoy discounted products on a variety of products such as AED devices, batteries, pads, CRM (compliance readiness and maintenance) solutions and more. Beyond AED requests we also have assisted with requests for Mobilize Trauma Kits, Lucas Chest Compression Systems and EvacChairs as well.
Email or call 855-677-2337 for a NM Statewide Pricing Agreement contract quote for AEDs or consumables. Our top sellers on this contract are the ZOLL AED 3, the Powerheart G5, the LIFEPAK CR2, LIFEPAK 1000 and the HeartSine Samaritan AEDs.

Iowa Statewide Price Agreement
AED One-Stop Shop is proud to have been awarded multiple AED product lines as part of the recently finalized Iowa Statewide Contract 005-RFB-0645-2024 for Automated External Defibrillators.
This contract was competitively bid ensure deeply discounted pricing for Iowa Government entities on AED devices, batteries, pads and more.
Email or call 855-677-2337 for an Iowa Statewide Contract 005-RFB-0645-2024 contract quote for AEDs or consumables. Our top sellers on this contract are the LIFEPAK CR2, Philips HeartStart FRx and OnSite AEDs, and the HeartSine Samaritan 350P, 360P, and 450P AEDs.

CES Cooperative Procurement
AED One-Stop Shop is thrilled to have been awarded a multi-product category with the Public Safety, Fire and EMS Supplies space. CES is the only New Mexico-based Purchasing Cooperative, serving the State since 1979. CES serves New Mexico’s 89 school districts plus many other public institutions, including charter schools, two and four-year post-secondary institutions, BIE schools and State schools. CES also services cities, counties, municipalities and qualifying non-profits. The Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies (AEPA) is a multi-state non-profit organization made up of Educational Service Agencies and political subdivisions organized through a Memorandum of Understanding between all participating states. They are a true “cooperative” who serves to leverage purchasing power to benefit all schools and governmental agencies.
A wide range of products are available within the Public Safety, Fire and EMS Supplies category:
- Philips Medical Systems
- Philips HeartStart FRx AED
- Philips HeartStart OnSite AED
- Stryker Emergency Care
- LIFEPAK 1000
- HeartSine Samaritan 350P, 360P, and 450P AEDs
- ZOLL Medical Corporation
- Powerheart G5 AED
- Mobilize Rescue Systems
- Defibtech, LLC
- Defibtech Lifeline VIEW AED
- Defibtech Lifeline AED
Email or call 855-677-2337 for a CES Cooperative Procurement contract quote for AEDs or consumables. Our top sellers on this contract are the LIFEPAK CR2, the ZOLL AED 3, and the Philips HeartStart FRx AEDs.