How to Buy AED Defibrillators

Buying AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) is a sometimes difficult task as all consumers love getting value and a great deal but at the same time they must weigh that these are life-saving devices. Here are a few general considerations to help determine the right AED to buy:
Purchase Price: At AED One-Stop Shop we carry the leading brands of AEDs and our public defibrillators are reasonably priced from $1175 to $1699. This price range is a great starting point but we also apply discounts for government, communities, schools, non-profits and some generous savings offered for quantity buys.
Cost of Ownership: This term applies to the cost of purchasing consumables such as AED batteries and AED electrode pads. Savvy consumers factor such costs in and project what they will pay over a decade of life of an AED or public defibrillator.
Ease-of-Use: Being that AEDs are designed for use in public or workplace settings, customers often seek a device that is straightforward in its use and has prompts that guide even an untrained user to save a life. All AEDs types boast different voice and visual prompts and they all are generally simple however some such features stand apart from others.
Reliability: An AED is bought to protect lives and when the device is needed it must work and do so reliably. Product warranties range between 5 and 10-years in duration. Furthermore, all public defibrillators perform self-tests automatically to ensure they are ready for use. Some brands provide more comprehensive testing checking more hardware and software and they each range in how frequently these are performed.
Technology: Beyond the apparent look and obvious features, each brand delivers a shock in different ways. A defibrillation waveform is the way life-saving therapy is delivered from the device to the sudden cardiac arrest victim. Within the category of technology it is important that an AED be easily upgradable as CPR protocols change in the industry.
AED One-Stop Shop serves all 50 States and we approach AED sales differently. We utilize our product knowledge to carefully assess whether LIFEPAK, Philips, ZOLL, HeartSine or Defibtech devices best fit the customers need. And furthermore which model type within the brand or family of products. Our goal is to make workplaces and communities safe and to ultimately contribute to lives being saved. Call and speak with one of our experts by calling 855-677-2337 or emailing If 2015 is the year you elect to protect lives with AEDs do so by partnering with AED One-Stop Shop.