Best AED for Business

You’re starting a workplace AED program and you’re curious what is the best AED for a Business. How do you determine what’s be the best Automated External Defibrillator? Are they all the same? Should we buy the most expensive or most affordable?
AED One-Stop Shop is the “consultative business approach” AED dealer and we can help you. Here’s a few tips to help pair yourself with the ideal life-saving AEDs:
- Look beyond initial price and consider the AED features like visual indicators, CPR coaching and metronomes, languages, and automatic shock delivery
- Think about your own workplace setting and consider if it’s noisy and how many devices would it take to adequately protect lives
- Complete the AED Interactive Buyer’s Guide from AED One-Stop Shop because by answering just 14 easy questions we can make an expert product recommendation for you
- Do CPR/AED training in tandem with getting AEDs after all if your staff is apprehensive about the AEDs, will they actually use them?
- Consider AED LIFELINKcentral or AED PlusTrac readiness software so your AEDs get maintained with new pads and batteries and so monthly audits get completed
Here are some AED types that we might recommend to you:
- LIFEPAK CR-Plus Fully Automatic AED – it’s fast and simple to use with affordable batteries and pads called Charge-PAKs
- HeartSine Samaritan 450P AED – it’s small and affordable and business love that the AED has a CPR metronome and commands that instruct the responder to “push faster” if needed
- Philips HeartStart OnSite AED – it’s a top seller because it’s so straight forward: power it on, place the pads and push the orange shock button
- Powerheart G5 AED – it’s a new generation AED with great technology and dual-language capabilities to switch from English to Spanish prompts
- ZOLL AED Plus – it’s a major seller because it’s a fantastic AED for a business with visual diagrams and unique pads that are easy to place on the chest
- Defibtech Lifeline VIEW AED – it’s a new generation with a color video screen which is so easy-to-use because it tells you and shows you what to do
There’s a lot to weigh isn’t there? We do caution you to make a smart decision but certainly don’t overcomplicate the process. All AEDs save lives but the key is getting them proactively rather than after a life is lost. Call AED One-Stop Shop at 855-677-2337 and let the experts make a professional recommendation for you. If you prefer to buy online, visit for the best online AED shop on the planet.