Automatic Shock Delivery and AEDs

As AED (Automated External Defibrillator) manufacturers strive to improve general usability of Public Defibrillators some have developed “Automatic” type devices. The “Auto” shock delivery feature describes devices which delivers a shock without the need to push a shock button. Semi-Automatic devices require the rescuer to push a shock button to deliver therapy.
The general logic behind such a feature is the thought that a responder might pause or delay in pushing a shock button over the fear that the device might harm someone, lack of confidence or perhaps they are worried about liability. An “Auto” AED saves the responder from making such a decision, it arms by itself, warns all to stand back, and then delivers a shock to the victim.
Some (especially professional responders) feel strongly that an AED should not deliver therapy in such a way and the rescuer should ensure no one is touching the patient before they push the shock button. This type of training is engrained in them and thus they are more apt to favor Semi-Automatic AEDs.
At AED One-Stop Shop (visit our site here) we don’t believe that one type fits all applications, needs, or situations. There is certainly a place for both Public Defibrillator types in the marketplace. Some manufacturers feature separate configurations of each AED model to fit the customer’s preference for shock button or no shock button. As the industry’s premier “Consultative” AED retailer we educate our customers on all facets of a well-designed AED program. We certainly walk our customers through the general logic to consider as well as pros and cons of Automatic and Semi-Automatic defibrillators.
Typical AED shoppers ask bright questions, they are detail oriented, they are thoughtful and they realize that lives are at stake an AED program. The debate over shock button or no shock button is an interesting one and ultimately it’s about find the right fit for the application. Call 855-677-2337 or email to speak with a professional on this topic and to identify the right AED for your workplace, school or community.