AED Selection & Buying

Selecting the right Automated External Defibrillator for your workplace, school, church, community, vehicle or building is not an easy task. Which brand and model do you buy? The most affordable? The most expensive since it’s a life-saving device? The easiest-to-use? The latest technology? The most durable and rugged? The smallest and most compact? The answer is you find the one that fits your selection criteria the most closely.
The consultative business model: AED One-Stop Shop.
AED One-Stop Shop is a National AED Multi-Brand Supplier and here we differentiate ourselves on consultation and support. Our most common customer type is one who knows they want AED defibrillators but struggle in determining which one(s) to buy. The fact we carry leading brands like ZOLL, HeartSine, LIFEPAK, Defibtech and Philips helps tremendously. We can determine which brand and then particular model best suits the specific need. Furthermore, since we drop ship the product from the manufacturer and don’t maintain inventory we can remain most unbiased and are not influenced by being overstocked on an AED type. We pride ourselves on the way we help make the complex become simple and the care that we treat our customers with. Call 855-677-AEDs or email for a free consultation and to have your every question answered by an industry expert.
The ecommerce business model:
As consumers of any product these days sometimes we want to talk and ask questions and other times we just want to buy quickly and efficiently online. Believe it or not, AEDs are becoming considered more of a commodity these days and these life-saving devices are frequently bought through ecommerce sites. The problem is that most such sites are difficult to navigate and it’s hard to make a decision as to product type and model. Enter This new-comer in the business is perhaps the easiest to get around and navigate. On page one of the site there are Workplace & Community AED Bundles which are preconfigured product packages with everything one would need to save a life. Hover over a product image and the image flips to reveal a short summary of what the item is in simple terms. Shop now to see how easy AED buying can be.
Whether you know what you want or whether you need help, one of these two trusted brands can help you. But please don’t delay in making this critical investment in safety.