Managing Lots of AEDs? You Might Need AED Program Management

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Bravo and congratulations to all of the large government entities, big corporations, and larger school districts and universities who have recognized the place for AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) to protect lives.  Some organizations were early adopters of life-saving defibrillators and invested in the technology more than a decade ago.  Some are only now realizing that the cost is not as substantial as they might have thought, and in order to keep up with the ‘standard of care’ in their industry they would be at risk to not implement an AED program.  Regardless of when the wise decision to protect life occurs, decision makers and management usually agree it’s the right thing to do to protect employees, customers, citizens or students.

Unfortunately there are many incomplete AED program in place in the U.S. where AEDs hang on the wall but employees are not trained in CPR and AED.  Or perhaps programs where decision makers did not consider the future purchase of batteries and pads.  Many entities don’t account for how they’ll inspect or audit their AED equipment to ensure that it’s fully functional when the device is needed in an emergency situation.  Large AED programs can be somewhat difficult and cumbersome to manage over time and those that manage them internal without industry specific tools often struggle.

Beyond the maintenance of a defibrillation program is the importance of being compliant with the State-specific AED laws.  Some of these laws require medical direction or oversight from a physician.  Some require registration with local EMS agencies so they are aware that AEDs are onsite and specifically where they are located.  Some States required that there be a trained response team of individuals who are CPR/AED certified.

Perhaps some of these scenarios ring true for your corporation or organization?  Many customers purchase the equipment and never hear from their supplier again.  Often there is no consultation about the important considerations of maintaining equipment, training employees, compliance with the law and mitigation of risk.

AED One-Stop Shop and can help.  Regardless of where or when your organization purchased AEDs we can bring your program to life, help raise the likelihood of lives being saved and complement the devices with management software and a turn-key solution that will lower risk.  AED One-Stop Shop is partnered with companies whose core business is AED “Program Management.”  Risk Managers, Safety Directors, Emergency Managers and alike are urged to learn more about our offerings, the information could result in a life being saved or an unfortunate legal situation being averted.

AED One-Stop Shop and can help. Call 855-677-2337 for more information and a free consultation with an industry professional.