AED Prices, Safety, and Liability

Why do some small businesses (and medium ones too) not have workplace AEDs (Defibrillators) to protect their employees, customers and visitors? In short, it’s usually a misperception or lack of understanding about one of three concerns: the cost of AEDs, safety features of AEDs, or liability fears. Let’s take a close look at these.The
A. Affordability of AEDs. Granted when AEDs first became available their average cost was much higher but like with most technology products the price has gone down. Partly due to advancement in technology, market competition, broadening markets, and savvy consumers AEDs have become more affordable than you might think. It is not uncommon to find a more affordable AED machine model for $1000 or so and a model rich with features for about $1600.
B. Safety of AEDs. One of the greatest fears of customers is that a mistake might be made with an Automated External Defibrillator that results in a healthy person being harmed or even killed. If this concern is yours you’ll be reassured that this simply can’t happy with an FDA-approved AED. Once the two electrodes are placed on a patient’s chest the AED is able to analyze their heart rhythm. The sophisticated algorithm within the device interprets the ECG to determine if a shock is needed. For more on how to use an AED read more here.
C. Liability and Legal Risk. There’s no doubt that in the U.S. legal climate individuals, businesses and government entities are cautious about being sued. It’s important to note that AED buyer’s and users have legal protection. State Good Samaritan Laws offer legal protection when a rescue is attempted with good intent. Manufacturer Indemnification Policies offer huge financial protection in the event of an AED product failure. The truth is the best way to avoid being sued in the event of a cardiac arrest death is to invest in AEDs & CPR/AED training and meet or exceed the “standard of care” in your industry.
AED One-Stop Shop provides straight answers to customer questions and concerns. We use our industry knowledge to arm our customers with the facts. Ultimately the decision to protect lives with AEDs or not is theirs but we provide expert opinion and great resources that organizations can weigh. Call 855-677-2337 to speak with us or email us at