AED Defibrillators for Police and Sheriffs

Law Enforcement Agencies have difficult times when it comes to the budget process because they have so many product categories to consider. They often weigh such product groups as: Communications, Apparel, Tactical Products, Vehicle Equipment, Software and Fire Arms. One category not to be neglected is that of Safety and Medical as products in this group might save an Officer or Deputy’s life or a member of the community.
A growing trend in Law Enforcement is to place easy-to-use and affordable life-saving devices called AEDs or Automated External Defibrillators in patrol vehicles. The logic behind this growing trend is that City Police or County Sheriffs often arrive on the scene of a medical call such as a sudden cardiac arrest seconds or minutes before fire or EMS. If an Officer or Deputy can quickly deploy the AED to the patient promptly the victim has a remarkably improved chance of survival. As an example if an officer can pull the AED from the trunk, turn on the device, bare the patient’s chest, place the electrode pads on the chest and deliver a shock in 2.5 minutes from the victim’s event they have approximately a 75% chance of resuscitation.
Sheriffs and Police Chiefs also realize that their own are at risk to sudden cardiac arrest. By investing in this life-protecting public defibrillators they are protecting their own. An intelligent approach to the deployment of AEDs features devices in facilities like stations, academies, courthouses, jails so that these locations are made “heart safe.” Furthermore, the devices are strategically placed in vehicles, sometimes 100% of vehicles, other times in Supervisor vehicles only, or some Departments have employed a check in / check out process for the AEDs so they are able to provide sufficient coverage with 50% deployment. Departments should certainly budget for AEDs each year and can supplement their purchases by pursuing Grants or utilizing forfeiture or seizure funds to bolster their safety plans.
AED One-Stop Shop is the ideal supplier for Law Enforcement Agencies since we help them decide upon which AED device fits their needs, how many devices to invest and employ “best practices” from our years of experience helping communities. Email or call 855-677-2337 to speak with a specialist and get a budget-friendly quote. Visit our site and see why our consultative style is making us among the fastest growing AED retailers in America.