AEDs, Where Should You Place Them?

There is no set rule as to where AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) should be placed or how many should be located within a facility, but there are a few factors that should be considered when seeking to determine the appropriate locations to place them and the number that your facilities should have in place.
Response Time
According to the American Heart Association for every minute that passes from the onset of a cardiac event to the arrival of an AED the victims chances of survival drops by 7-10 percent. With this in mind, they recommend that Automated External Defibrillators should be placed where reaction times will remain at 3 minutes or below.
Traffic Density
It is common sense, that the more people you have in a given area the greater the potential for a heart attack to occur in that area. It is a simple matter of numbers. A certain percentage of people are going to have heart attacks so the more people you have the higher the risk becomes for a cardiac event to occur.
High Risk Areas
A heart attack can strike anyone at any time but there are certain situations that create a higher potential for them to occur. Areas where these high risk situations arise should receive special attention when you are designing your PAD (Public Access Defibrillation) program. Some of these areas might be:
- Gymnasiums and Workout Centers
- Casinos
- Aquatics / swimming pools
- Areas with older occupants
- Arenas and coliseums
Availability and Security
When determining where you should place your AEDs and how many you require. Careful consideration should be given to the topics above as well as the security and availability of the Automated External Defibrillators. There is a fine line between having your AEDs readily accessible and still secure from unauthorized tampering and theft. The nature of your environment will have a large part in these considerations but both are an issue that should not be overlooked.
Don’t forget alarmed wall cabinets and signs. You’ll want your life-saving devices to be visible and prominently displayed keeping in mind that it is impossible to predict who might save a life. To see what these alarmed wall cabinets look like click here AED Cabinets from
For consultation on the matter of placement AED One-Stop Shop is an excellent resource 855-677-2337.