AED One-Stop Shop Will Help You Include Lifesaving AEDs as Part of Your Emergency Management Protocol

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AED One-Stop Shop proudly works with a large number of emergency management agencies across the United States. Emergency management consists of planning ahead to reduce an area’s vulnerability to potential hazards and to prepare the community to cope with disasters.

It’s important to note that planning for disaster management doesn’t avert or eliminate hazardous threats. Instead, it focuses on planning to decrease the damage to a community due to a disaster. Failure to create a plan can lead to the loss of human life, damage to valuable assets, and lost revenue.

An estimated 60 percent of American businesses don’t have emergency preparedness plans. AEDs are a non-intrusive and affordable way to start the process of implementing an emergency safety plan for a safer workplace. Equipping these lifesaving devices can help to reduce the alarming estimated number of 1,000 Americans per day perishing from cardiac arrest.

Emergency managers can incorporate the right type and quantity of publically accessible AEDs that are strategically placed to yield response times of less than 3 minutes. Furthermore, ample training is available for employees so they’re skilled and confident while using an AED during a cardiac emergency.

Program management shouldn’t be overlooked as this is a comprehensive system that includes safety protocols, tracking, auditing and direction from a trained physician. AED One-Stop Shop has the answers for emergency managers.

We use a thorough consultative approach where we ensure that all of the important facets of an AED program are safely implemented. After completion of a free detailed needs analysis, we’ll recommend the most appropriate product for your specific safety needs.

We offer consumers a choice of 5 leading brands consisting of over twenty AED models. Wall cabinets, child pads, and services that accompany these lifesaving devices are also available.

We welcome you to contact our courteous and professional staff by phone at 1-855-677-2337 or via e-mail at to discuss AED inclusion into your emergency management protocol.