AED Easy To Use

AED stands for Automated External Defibrillators though the name sounds complex, these life-saving devices are remarkably easy-to-use. Since the inception of the small, portable medical devices their manufacturers like HeartSine, ZOLL, Philips and LIFEPAK have been striving to improve usability. These strides in technology are being made not so much with professionals in mind like Firefighter/EMTs or nurses but instead lay rescuers and everyday people like you and I.
The manufacturers are targeting the public with their enhanced product features and general technology because AEDs are frequently being placed in locations such as these:
- Hotels and resorts
- Restaurants and retailers
- Sporting and convention venues
- Malls and shopping
- Airports and airplanes
- Gyms and health clubs
- Swimming pools and aquatic centers
- Office workplaces
- Industrial workplaces
- Churches and places of worship
- Government buildings
So what contributes to whether an AED or public defibrillator is easy-to-use or not?
It begins with the voice prompts and how clear are they, how intuitive are they, how descriptive are they, do they prompt for calling 9-1-1, do they prompt through CPR, do they adapt if necessary.
Next are the visual prompts which help complement the voice prompts. Are there diagrams or images, are there illuminating lights, is there a text screen, is there a video screen, do the visual prompts help the correct placement of pads, do the prompts help with the delivery of CPR.
There are two ways to accurately assess which ease-of-use features and benefits best fit your organization’s specific need and application: extensive research or professional consultation. Some organizations assemble task forces to weigh the product and vendor choices, although this is costly and time-extensive. For professional consultation some organizations ask their local fire department and although that’s a good start, FDs often simply recommend the particular brand of defibrillator that they’re most comfortable with rather than the device type that best fits need.
AED One-Stop Shop offers answers. We are a Nationally-recognized leader in Public Access Defibrillation programs. We offer 5 leading brands of AED devices along with CPR/AED training and AED Program Management. In other words, we offer a complete solution featuring the right AED type, right training, and right management of the program beyond the initial purchase. This way an entity is most prepared when the worst thing happens. Visit or call 855-677-2337 to learn more about how we can help your organization get prepared.