AED Device & Battery Disposal & Recycling

AEDs are close to 30 years old which means that many organizations are on their 2nd or 3rd generation of life-saving Automated External Defibrillators or AEDs. But what do you do with your old AEDs? How do you dispose of them responsibly so as to not endanger the environment with the lithium powered batteries? AED One-Stop Shop and our partners at are proud to continue our FREE AED Recycling and Disposal Program.
#AEDRecycle accepts the following Automated External Defibrillator types: LIFEPAK, Philips HeartStart, ZOLL, Defibtech Lifeline ReviveR, Cardiac Science Powerheart, Physio-Control, Medtronic, Welch Allyn, Cintas, HeartStream ForeRunner and Laerdal.
Here are the easy steps:
Contact an AED Consultant at AED One-Stop Shop at or 855-677-2337 option 1 for clarification about which items should be shipped and which non-hazardous items and can be disposed of.
Remove the batteries from your AEDs and pack them in boxes or other suitable packaging. It is okay to include all the parts such as the AED devices, carrying cases, batteries, pads and rescue kits.
Ship to AED One-Stop Shop via only ground shipment as the lithium batteries are typically prohibited from being shipped by air transportation.
Customers are responsible for the shipping charges but do not incur any processing or disposal fees.
Address for your shipment to:
AED One-Stop Shop
Attn: AED Recycling Program
6300 Riverside Plaza Lane NW
Suite 100
Albuquerque, NM 87120
AED One-Stop Shop thanks you for caring about the environment and for your interest in our sustainable AED recycling program.