AED Defibrillators for your Home

Our home is filled with those we love, our family and our friends! But what if our home was the place that someone suffered a cardiac arrest? What we do and how would we respond? Would we call 9-1-1 immediately? Would we begin CPR compressions on the chest? Where’s the closest AED (Automated External Defibrillator)?
Did you know that more than 60% of cardiac arrest events happen in the home? Why has no one suggested we invest in an AED (public defibrillator) to help us protect those we love? Did you know that AEDs are safe and very easy-to-use? Did you there’s an AED type made by Philips Healthcare which is designed for the home? A quick defibrillation shock from an AED gives the victim the very best chance of survival and if emergency care doesn’t arrive for 10 – 20 minutes from drop there’s very little chance at resuscitation at all.
AED One-Stop Shop and are advocates for personal-use AEDs for people’s homes and personal vehicles. The Philips HeartStart HOME AED has the following features:
– 1-2-3 design where you power it on, place the two electrode pads and push the shock button (if prompted.)
– Voice prompts which guide you through the rescue
– Intuitive prompting called Life Guidance which knows which prompt to advise
– CPR metronome for the perfect rate of chest compressions
– All items included you’ll need to save a life (AED, battery, pads, red carrying case AED kit) in a consumer electronics box
– 8-year warranty
If you’d like a quote email or if you’d prefer to just buy one you can order the Philips HeartStart HOME AED here for just $1275.00 and you can use coupon code “50LOVE” for an additional $50.00 off.