AED Defibrillators for Schools

There are a surprising number of young lives tragically taken by sudden cardiac arrest in the U.S. each year. It is estimated that there are about 7000 deaths of school age children to cardiac arrest. For this reason it’s imperative that every school protect lives with AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) for general safety.
AED One-Stop Shop partners with schools and helps them decide upon the best AED type for their school or entire district. Some schools go to our ecommerce partner where they can buy AEDs, special bundles, batteries, pads and AED cabinets.
All public school districts, private schools, charter schools, and church academies need AEDs to protect their students, staff, faculty and of course visitors. Depending upon the school organization the champions for AEDs can be lead nurses, health and wellness, athletics, HR or administration. With so many school leaders who may play a part in the investment in AEDs it’s essential that these leaders don’t assume that another department handles this vital equipment.
A few key features for most schools are the following:
- Ease-of-use (helps ensure that lay responders can perform the rescue)
- Voice prompts (to help guide the rescuer)
- Visual prompts (helpful in case it’s a loud environment)
- Pediatric function (pediatric pads or key enable the AED pediatric capability)
- Maintenance (how to manage and maintain the AEDs)
- Advanced technology (how the AED functions and it’s upgradability)
The professionals at AED One-Stop Shop weigh the schools AED needs breaking down the functionality that’s needed and what’s important to our customer. Since we carry the leading AED brands we are able to choose from the top models available. Furthermore we can handle CPR/AED training and certification and Medical Direction if needed in their State. AED One-Stop Shop is a favorite of schools and even Universities and we are honored to be trusted with the protection of life within these organizations.