AED Defibrillators for Churches

It is estimated that there are about a quarter of a million churches in the United States and there are perhaps several thousand churches with congregations of two or more thousand people. Regardless of church size the population varies greatly in age and there are often elderly member populations. Furthermore, youth program and even church schools are becoming commonplace.
To protect lives (young and old) churches are investing in life-protecting AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) as a safety initiative. Church leadership often task this important project to either their operations staff or often a doctor or nurse member. Sometimes churches are proactive when they purchase an AED, other times that are reacting to scare or even a tragic fatality. With sudden cardiac arrest fatalities claiming a staggering 350,000+ lives each year in this Country it’s certainly wise to make the small investment in AEDs. The life-saving AED is a must as is CPR/AED training so that responders are equipped with skills and the confidence to save a life.
AED prices have dropped in recent years and depending on the brand and model these can be purchased for less than $1500. AED One-Stop Shop assists a great many churches and places of worship with the selection and purchase of an AED and even CPR training. It can be quite daunting to shop for a product which can have an effect on life or death. All AEDs are FDA approved and they are safe since they only deliver a shock if one is needed, in other words you can’t harm someone with a public defibrillator. Churches often seek product features like ease-of-use, simplicity, automatic shock delivery, low cost, and general reliability. AED One-Stop Shop uses a unique consultative approach in which we gauge customer needs and key selection criteria and then match the ideal Automated External Defibrillator. We highly recommend a cabinet and signage which we provide so the AED is prominently placed and visible to all.
Contact a consultant at AED One-Stop Shop by calling 855-677-AEDs or emailing today. For those that are ready to make this investment perhaps you might consider these bundle from our ecommerce partner who offers the LIFEPAK Express Church Bundle for just $1420. This offer comes from Physio-Control / LIFEPAK which is one of the most trusted names in the business and we include cabinets, signs, and rescue kits as part of the Community Bundle.
We urge every church in America to get an AED and implement CPR/AED training before a crisis arises.