AED Basics, What You Should Know

All AEDs sold in the United States are FDA approved and operate according to the American Heart Association’s most recent guidelines. While, there has been no supporting research to indicate that one brand saves more lives than another, there are many features and benefits to consider when purchasing an AED.
All AEDs are safe and easy to use
One of the first things that you should be aware of is, that you cannot hurt yourself or anyone else with an AED. AEDs will only deliver a shock to a patient if it determines it is necessary. You cannot override its safety features. Even if you push the shock button, nothing will happen. All AEDs today are simple enough to operate that even completely untrained individuals can use them, with complete safety.
All AEDs are effective
Biphasic Waveform Shock Therapy was introduced to AEDs in September of 1996. Since then, the effectiveness of Biphasic Waveform has been widely recognized and accepted. Today, ALL AEDs manufactured utilize Biphasic Waveform Technology. This results in much higher first shock resuscitation and victim survival rates.
AED Maintenance & Warranty
All AEDs perform a daily, weekly or monthly self-test and have status indicators for status notification. All AEDs today offer a minimum 5 year warranty. However some pads or electrodes will need to be replaced on a two year schedule. See Manufacturers recommendations for your chosen model.
Cost of Ownership & Price
All AEDs have a Cost of Ownership, both as an initial purchase price and upkeep, determined by the lifespan of the electrodes, pads, and batteries. AEDs have greatly decreased in cost in recent years due to advances in technology and market competition. Today, AEDs range in price from around $1,200 for home use models to around $3,000 for professional grade units.
There are many manufacturers of AEDs today and they produce models with a wide range of features. The best way to assure that you are purchasing the best AED, for your situation, is by consulting an AED professional.