AED Accessories Which Improve Survival

You’ve made the intelligent decision to protect lives with AEDs at your place of business or organization and perhaps you even have the brand and type of public defibrillator figured out. But, what about the other accessories that might help to improve the chance of a sudden cardiac arrest survival?
Carry Cases: Some AED manufacturers include these with the product but others do not. These carry cases help protect the AED providing insolation and additional durability in the event the AED is dropped. AED One-Stop Shop recommends you only buy brand name cases as they are designed with the device in mind and are made with great quality. Some companies sell off brand cases to improve profitability but this may sacrifice some quality which may not be wise for a life-saving device purchase.
Hard Shell Cases: For AED placement in vehicles, trucks and other outdoor applications customers often consider hard pelican-type cases. These offer phenomenal protection from knocks, vibration and even from water. One drawback to the hard shell cases is that it becomes necessary to open the cases to get a view of the AEDs readiness indicator and any audible chirp (as a result of a failed self-test) may be difficult to hear.
Wall Cabinets and Wall Brackets: Under most circumstances an AED should be placed prominently and visibly within a facility. AEDs are seldom ever stolen and a reluctance to place AEDs in a public place may diminish survival rates dramatically. In other words if you can’t locate the life-saving devices you can’t save a life. AED One-Stop Shop recommends strategic placement of your AEDs in wall cabinets or wall brackets, furthermore AHA suggests optimum placement which yields “drop to shock” times of 3 minutes or less.
Signage: Let’s face it, many people aren’t aware of AEDs and they somehow pass by these without noticing them. Clear signage can help. A 3-dimensional or triangular wall sign should be placed above the cabinet or bracket so the sign and defibrillator can be seen from multiple directions. In medium or large facilities which is equipped with multiple devices it is a good idea to utilize AED directional signs which point the rescuer left or right to closest direction of an AED.
Response Kits: Sadly these items are often overlooked but these small kits include items which are integral to a rescue. Rescue kits typically include scissors/shears to cut through clothing, a razor to shave a victim’s chest, and a one-way barrier bask for CPR, as well as wipes and other small items. Like cases these are sometimes not included with the AED and must be purchased separately.
Spare Pads and Pediatric Pads: Most AED manufacturers recommend an extra set of electrode pads to be stored in the carry case in the event that the preconnected electrodes not adhere or stick well to the chest. Furthermore, AEDs do have pediatric capability in which they deliver therapy differently for a child of 55 pounds or less or 8-years or less. This capability is typically only unlocked when pediatric electrodes are connected.
In short, there are many considerations to designing an AED program. AED One-Stop Shop uses a different approach and that’s why you’ll never find prices or a shopping cart on our site. Instead you simply call or email one of our experts and we’ll guide you through product selection, recommended accessories, and even training and program management. We advise you with your employees interests in mind, not our own. Call 855-OSS-AEDS or click here Contact Us to send an email.