Check your Philips HeartStart AEDs for recalls, rebates and “end of life” support

Letter – FR2 PMA End of Service
It is easy to confuse Philips AEDs because they all have a red and white carrying case, but the AEDs within can be one of several AED models:
The Philips FR2 / FR2 + AEs should be replaced immediately and you can contact AED One-Stop Shop for a quote at 855-677-2337 or
The Philips HeartStart OnSite, HS1, Home, and FRx AEDs should be checked for recalls by sharing your AED serial number with an AED One-Stop Shop consultant. Rebates range from $50 – $625 depending upon the AEDs age and model type.
The Philps HeartStart FR3 AEDs have no recalls and like the OnSite, HS1, Home and FRx these AEDs have premarket approval (PMA) by the FDA.